Origin and evolution of Man
A funny and interesting performance, without words, but with a lot of music
In this show you will find yourself in a fierce time machine. We will take you back into the time of the genesis of man. You will see the discovery of fire, tools, the wheel, writing and much more. The man looks around and is amazed about the world. He starts to worship gods. Wars are started, empires rise and fall. The individual becomes important, the universe more discovered. Industrialization commences, the Man falls and stands up en developed further and further.
It is being played with five big wooden figures, who changes all the time, on a table with a minimal decor.
Target group Chlidren up to 7 and adults
Theme Histori, evolution
Duration 45 min Short version 21 min
Information about price and technics HeeMan also possible as a streetperformance
Techical information and pricesPlay, puppets en concept
Ruud Alles
Hans Schoen
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